Patents a closer look
High-value patents characterize an invention in a clear, meaningful way, with full attention where it counts:
Your point of monetization.
Developing high-value patents often starts with clearly defining what the invention actually is. It is necessary to identify and understand how the system works, and comprehend the technical landscape. Only then can the inventive concepts be teased away from a symphony of technical noise.
A good patent distills and focuses technology into legally actionable IP.
A great patent abstracts your invention in such a way that the critically important technical details are clear, concise, and distinct from anything that has been done before. A skilled and experienced patent attorney knows how to do this from the ground up because they have done it scores of times before, for the world's largest companies.
At Briggs IP, our patent attorneys and patent agents are first and foremost solid engineers and scientists. We understand the fundamental aspects of technology, to craft your ideas into a solid legal framework that will provide your business with real-world financial value.
We would love to help you define and expand your ideas into a spectacular patent with real value.
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We would love to help you define and expand your ideas into a spectacular patent with real value.
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